Kitchens, Cabinetry, Homes
Creating True Moments of Delight
Consulting & Design
A Shared pursuit of perfected imperfection
We exist to come alongside people who have a unique vision for a space that is beyond the ordinary, a space that is alive and can be lived in.
Fleshing out that vision and getting it across to architects and builders is hard, especially if you have something really special in mind. And while perfection is never arrived at, pursuing it together brings about surprising moments of discovery and one-of-a-kind results.
The best outcomes are created through a poignant, shared journey.
Our minds can visualize perfection, it’s our job to keep that imagination alive. We never stop looking around the corner for what is better and what is more beautiful.
She’s an artist who loves the envisioning and creativity of the design process, but is just as much a "finisher" who can't wait to see the completed space, inhabited and enjoyed.
“Let’s dream it, then let’s make it real.”
And after a 39 year career as the lead principal of a high-end custom home construction company, she is a seasoned expert, taking an idea from concept development to completion and enjoyment.
Deb Paine. Considerate CurioMaker.
Get ready to meet someone unique. Deb’s one of those people who listens well because she’s endlessly curious. This curiosity drives her love of working with people as much as it drives her creativity in design and construction. A Deb Paine Experience results in creating those moments of delight that we share together along the way.
Let's intentionally make your kitchen a truly living space, where you will delight to live.
This is our aim, from concept and design, providing materials and our own brand of high grade cabinetry, facilitating installation and construction, to enjoying a celebratory glass of whisky with you when the project is done. You’ll feel it at the first dinner party you host.
Let’s Pursue Perfection Together.
Join the Curious Journey of Deb Paine
Deb Paine sees the world pretty differently, and many of her friends find her perspective interesting, informing, and mostly inspiring. Sign up to hear those stories from her decades of curiomaking beauty out of chaos.
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